ANCHOR BABIES.....We undocumented citizens (illegal aliens) cry foul! Do not demean our children that way! We are citizens and human beings too. (Here in America illegally.)
ILLEGAL ALIENS.....OMG, don't use that term, and if you do use it you are a BIGOT! (No, by Federal law and statute if you are in America illegally you are an ILLEGAL ALIEN.)
Undocumented workers/citizens....give us a break, you are in our country illegally.
Dreamers...The Dream Act...give us a break, it is amnesty for YOUNG ILLEGAL ALIENS.
Let's have the discussion...a large percentage of Illegal Aliens here in America are of Latino descent, are coming to America in various ways, primary among the ways being the illegal crossing and entry into America via our porous Southern Border with Mexico. However, if we are going to have this discussion on Illegal Immigration and possible Immigration reform, lets do it fairly....fairly means that illegal aliens and those who support them do not get to shape the tone and direction of the conversation by eliminating terms/words that portray those who have/are breaking our laws in a negative light and replacing them with warm and fuzzy phrases meant to evoke sympathy. That is unfairly tipping the scales, unfairly controlling the tone and direction of the conversation.
Anchor Baby...
used to refer to a child born to a non-citizen mother (most of the times a Mother (WHO BROKE THE LAW) in a country which has birthright citizenship, especially when viewed as providing an advantage to family members seeking to secure citizenship or legal residency.
This is an accurate descriptor for those in our country illegally who decide to have a child while here, or who deliberately come to America to pop out a baby to gain current and future benefits for their offspring and their families. How many times do we hear, "Don't break up the family, let their parents, Aunt, Uncle or whoever stay in America, it is the only fair thing to do for the CHILD." Let's be honest...It is a scam of the worst kind perpetrated on America with illegal aliens using an innocent child. It needs to be stopped, and the best way to stop it is to simply eliminate "Birth Right Citizenship." Secondly, we need to send the mother and her child back to their country of origin, and when and if the child has a legal resident of America willing to adopt him/her, or until the child reaches the age of maturity the children of Illegal Aliens stay with their parent in their home country AS IT SHOULD BE. We cannot allow illegal aliens to use innocent children as Human Shields to avoid DEPORTATION.
Illegal Alien...
Under United States laws and statutes, any person not a citizen or national of the United States is an Alien in our country illegally is thus simply stated and Illegal Alien.
The term is not racist, it is simply the proper legal classification of those who are within the borders of America illegally. If a person comes to our nation legally, is here legally and abiding by the laws of our nation, but not a citizen or a national, they are an alien. The second you enter, or stay in America in a fashion that breaks our laws, you are an ILLEGAL ALIEN.
Illegal aliens and their supporters would like us to compose a sentence in the following fashion:
"The poor undocumented workers/citizens just came to America for a better life, to live the American Dream, and America should show its compassion as a nation and provide them with a pathway to citizenship."
Those of us opposed to AMNESTY, who want illegal aliens deported would compose a sentence far differently:
Illegal Aliens deliberately broke our laws, are in America illegally, stealing our jobs, depreciating the lower and middle class wage base, placing an unfair financial burden on our communities, and if America is a "Nation of Laws" these common criminals should be deported to their country of origin as the line for "Legal Immigration" starts in a citizen's country of origin... not here in America. Come to America legally, abide by our immigration laws, or do not bother coming at all as you will be found out, incarcerated and deported.
A part of the discussion on illegal aliens and "Immigration Reform" has to include those who are aiding and abetting illegal aliens in being/staying in America illegally. Those who provide housing (landlords) and those who hire illegal aliens in the name of having a CHEAP SUPPLY OF LABOR. We could throw the Catholic Church into this mix, but they have enough troubles right now defending their condoning of Catholic Priests molesting children in the name of God. We will though include in this mix "Sanctuary Cities" like New York and San Francisco as their "look the other way" mantra greatly contributes to the scourge on our society that is illegal immigration.
Every employer knows that E-verify if fully implemented as the law of the land is 98 percent effective in telling an employer (or landlord) if someone is legally entitled to take a job here in the United States of America. Shut off the jobs/housing magnet, and at least 75 percent of illegal aliens currently residing here in America will self deport. This combined with both work place and neighborhood enforcement raids will solve our illegal immigration problem. But, let's give E-verify some serious teeth! From the average America family hiring an illegal alien nanny to America's largest firms should face both hefty fines and prison time if they are caught hiring/employing an illegal alien. No excuses, you are going to pay a serious fine, and are going to spend some time behind bars if you insist on hiring illegal aliens. If E-verify is so effective, it can just as easily be effective in determining one's legal status before a landlord rents them living, make E-verify and its penalties the law of the land for landlords as well. Rent to an illegal alien, and you are going to do some prison time.
Sanctuary Cities...Can we say SANCTIONS? We use sanctions internationally to bring a nation's actions into line when they are acting in a way that runs against America's interests...think Iran. Let's use these same sanctions to rein in Sanctuary Cities that refuse to abide by Federal laws and statutes regarding illegal aliens.
Disagree? Opposing views are welcome, that is why I have a comments section on this blog, and I do love a good debate. Let's have this discussion, but don't tie one of my hands behind my back by telling me what words I can use in presenting my position. For those that will want to paint me into the corner of being a rabid far right wing radical conservative, on most issues I am the complete opposite. I consider myself an Independent with strong Democratic leanings, am very progressive on most social issues such as Abortion and Gay Rights, and believe that the drug war never worked, and that the time has come to legalize and tax Marijuana in the same way that we tax alcohol.