Crusty Hippy's Pages

Monday, October 26, 2015

Spring Valley High Student Got What She Deserved...Officer Used Necessary Force

OMG...the "Black Lives Matter" folks are out on the airwaves in force after a police officer used force to restrain, detain and arrest an unruly student.   The student GOT WHAT SHE ASKED FOR, and contrary to the "Pollyanna's" out there saying she was a CHILD, give us a break.   This young woman is all but an adult capable of making her own BAD DECISIONS, which she did more than once. She refused (numerous times) the teacher's request to vacate the classroom, refused even after the principle was brought into the mix.  She then refused the police officer's request, and this officer did what he felt was necessary to place her under arrest WHEN SHE REFUSED TO COOPERATE. Now various assorted civil rights groups including "Black Lives Matter" want to cry foul.

This girl was not some eight year old child, she was an unruly and uncooperative young adult who had gotten out of control.  If a police officer makes a request, or gives you direct instruction or and order, ABIDE BY IT and ask questions later.  If you decide to be a world class asshole, then don't complain when you force the officer to use "whatever force is necessary" to get you to comply.  If this girl's parents are not happy, then maybe they need to look at their own child rearing abilities, or the lack thereof.  As to the girl...maybe this will teach her a valuable lesson, and maybe just maybe she will realize she has gotten to big for her breeches and needed to be put in her place.

Here is a clue...if black lives matter, start acting like they do.   Stop acting out in class, stop thinking you do not have to obey police officers, stop thinking you are above the law, and you just might be surprised at how much differently people and people in authority start treating you.

Bullshit Sensationalist Articles on This Story

SC high school officer beats down student during arrest - NY ...
Daily News
4 hours ago - A South Carolina sheriff's deputy attacked a high school student as classmates ... The veteran officer then drags her out of her chair and tossed her ... run up to Fields after watching the girl being thrown like a piece of paper?

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

The Democratic Debate...ugggg

The first Democratic Debate is over, and the second Democratic debate should only have two people on the stage...Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, and not really sure a second debate is even necessary as it is so obvious that Bernie is NOT PRESIDENTIAL MATERIAL, is the Rand Paul of the Democratic Presidential Primary for 2016.  

Lets discuss some issues that are upsetting to some of the country regarding tonight's debate, and the Democratic Platform that started taking shape on stage.   Lets discuss issues that are going to be problematic, are simply far to left for almost every Republican and quite a few Democrats to swallow.

The biggest issue of contention is that every candidate up on stage this evening came out in favor of a pathway for citizenship for illegal aliens.   They even went so far as to state that illegal aliens should have access to Medicaid/Medicare, be allowed to participate in the Obama Health Care system.  This stance will have me holding my nose and voting for Hillary (yes, she is going to be the Democratic Standard Barer), or simply staying home as a means of protest.  The Democrats can get away with this stance on Illegal Aliens because the Republicans do not have one centrist/moderate candidate running for the Presidency, and though I agree with Donald Trump's stance on Illegal Aliens, I in all good conscientiousness could never vote for the man.   The fact that Hillary may be America's first female president does not mean we are giving her and the Democrats a mandate to force Amnesty down the throats of the American voters.

On "Black Lives Matter"...political pandering of the worst kind.  The Black Community wants our government to pass laws that would put special programs in place to help lift Blacks, and only Blacks out of poverty.   Fact...according to the 2010 census, America has 5,002,000 white children under the age of 18 living in poverty.   Fact...according to the 2010 Census America has 4,817,000 black children under the age of 18 living in poverty.   Fact...according to the 2010 Census America has 6.110,000 Hispanic children under the age of 18 living in poverty.   ALL LIVES MATTER, and if we are going to address inequality in America, if we are going to try to lift people out of poverty, the programs aimed at this goal must be programs that reach across all ethnic or racial lines, must be programs available to all children living in poverty, not just black children.   Affirmative Action was supposed to be a temporary hand up the ladder that has gotten out of hand, and needs to come to an end, and what America does not need are more social programs that are discriminatory on their is simply wrong to envision giving helping hands to one ethnic group at the expense of other groups who plight is identical other than the color of their skin.

On paid family leave...

The biggest contributor to Global Warming is an out of control explosion of the human population living on this planet.   Like it or not, Mother Earth cannot sustain our current human population, let alone a population that is projected to reach 9 billion people by the year 2050.   Our population numbers world wide must be reined in, and providing yet another free handout to families is going to have the opposite effect.   Secondly, though perhaps unpopular to some, a very simple reality is that those without children, without large families have for to long been expected to pick up the tab for those choosing to have large families.   When someone suddenly needs to work late, it is not the mother or father of five who is expected to stay late, its that single person.   A family of five, and a family on one living in identical homes in the same town/city pay the same in property taxes, the single person having no choice but to subsidize the educational costs of the family next door that has three children.   In the name of fairness, and to address Global Warming, we have to stop incentivising large families.

In short, the first two Republican Debates, the first Democratic Debate this evening should show America why a two party system has out lived its usefulness and needs to come to an end, replaced with a multi-party system that allows the more diverse voices of our nation to be heard.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Democrats and Republicans; Please Stop Marginalizing White Voters

Make Your Vote Count...DUMP YOUR PARTY!
Compared to most, I am a bit of a news junkie, falling asleep, waking up to CNN each and every day, my television spending the better part of every 24 hour day on one news channel or another, my brain absorbing news as I go about my day.  The big news item from now until November of 2016 is the circus we call the  "Presidential Election".  

From politicians to pundits, everyone of them seems interested in pandering to this special interest group or the other, is worried that they are not wooing enough Latinos (and Illegal Immigrants), Blacks (Black Lives Matter), or some other ethnic group that could STEER THE ELECTION their way.  This kowtowing to special interest groups is all well, fine and dandy, but not when it comes at the expense of the largest (and most marginalized) voting block in America, "The White Voter".

Here's a clue...a full 72 percent of those who bothered to vote in the 2012 Presidential Election were middle class white voters.  Yet, we have been marginalized by both sides of the aisle, neither Republicans or Democrats giving us the time of day, spending no time out on the campaign trail addressing our needs, and our concerns.   What makes us chopped liver, what gives these two political parties the right to simply IGNORE US, and more importantly, what do we need to do to have our issues placed on the table for discussion and redress?

Attention WHITE TOAST VOTERS...let's first and foremost stop showing so much PARTY UNITY...we are split down the middle on a small handful of issues, almost always vote along party lines and this allows politicians to ignore us, instead spending all their time courting various and assorted pockets of minority voters of various and assorted interest groups and nationalities.

There is something wrong with the system when politicians spend so much political capital talking too and about illegal immigrants (criminals according to the law) in the hopes of winning a larger percentage of the Hispanic vote, and no time addressing the concerns of 72 percent of the voting electorate.  Latino's in the 2012 election represented ten percent of those voting in the election, while white voters represented 72 percent of those who voted in the election...yet, WHERE IS OUR VOICE?   "Black Lives Matter", but guess what, so do white lives, and where is Hillary Rodham Clinton when it comes to speaking to and specifically addressing the concerns of this very large white voting block?  Women are talked to of all colors, same with the LGBT, Black and Muslim communities, but rarely if ever does she speak to white men directly about their hurts and pains.

As White Voters we can only blame ourselves, have marginalized our voting block by being party faithfuls split down the middle, half of us siding with Republicans, the other half siding with Democrats while both parties take our votes for granted.  Let's put our rubber-stamp votes away, become a block of issues centric voters united across party lines for candidates that represent and address our needs and our concerns.  I am all for equal rights, support some form of Immigration Reform, pro Marriage Equality, support Black Lives Matter, gun ho for Gay Rights, Women's Rights, but am also really tired of feeling marginalized, even demonized as a White Male Voter.  When and where do we get spoken to about our concerns?

Lets become confrontational, lets demand that our voices be heard for a change...the militant actions of the "Black Lives Matter" movement have gotten them two private meetings with Hillary Clinton, and a promise from her that their concerns will be a part of her concerns as she maps out her plan for a "Greater America" and kudos for them.   Illegal Immigrants and their supporters have both sides of the aisle sitting on their hands refusing to enforce our current laws out of fear that they might lose some of their share of that ten percent of the voting pie....HELLO....we marginalized white voters represent 72 percent of the ENTIRE VOTING about asking us what we want, and plugging our issues into your plan for the future?  Of that 72 percent, half of them (women) are being included by one candidate or another, but what about that other half, the 35-36 percent of voters who are White Men...other than Donald Trump, no one is speaking to us, and I could never vote for that man.

As long as we "White Voters" continue our history of voting along party lines, we will be marginalized, not just during the elections, but in our day to day lives.  

Affirmative Action...lets change that program around a bit.   Perhaps instead of Affirmative Action being a program that gives a hand up to people based on their ethnicity or sexual orientation, it should be a program that lends people a helping hand up the ladder based on their economic needs.  Does not a poor white child face the same obstacles to a better life as a poor Black or Hispanic child does?   Shouldn't they get those same advantages being doled out to people of color or a particular sexual orientation instead of being denied based upon the color of their skin?     Like it or not, reverse discrimination does exist.

Amnesty for those who are in America illegally...FORGET ABOUT IT unless we address as part of immigration reform helping those who have been hurt my illegal immigration.   First, like it or not, every illegal immigrant is a criminal, has broken our laws as they exist at this moment in time. Furthermore, every illegal immigrant in our work force has contributed to lowering of the wage base of the American Worker, and has taken a job away from an American.   BASIC FACT....a company has to get the work done, and if there is not an illegal immigrant standing at the door offering to work on the cheap, the employer will raise wages to a level that provides him with the legal employees he/she needs to get the work done and keep the doors of their business opened.   Immigration Reform MUST START WITH ENFORCEMENT, not AMNESTY!

Urban about some RURAL RENEWAL!  What, too many white folks living in Rural America?  Poor people (a lot of them White) live in Rural America, in the Midwestern rust belt are doing just as badly as the poor in Urban America's large population centers, but too often are forgotten about.

It may offend some in the "Black Lives Matter" movement, but all lives matter, and that does include the 72 percent of voters who are white.   Curious, and be many in the "Black Lives Matter" movement have gotten upset at politicians who have stated all lives matter, and how many of you would be livid if there were suddenly a large social/political movement on the national stage who's stated name and purpose was "White Lives Matter".   Isn't that more than a bit hypocritical? Why does everything have to be so divided along color lines, when people suffering, hurting all deserve a hand up?  Black Lives do matter, and the group has focused attention on a VERY REAL MATTER, and deserve credit for that, and I applaud and support their movement...but I also wish to damn hell that we Whites and Blacks who are struggling, having a hard time holding onto the bottom run of the economic ladder could figure out a way to get on the same team, and on the same game page.

In the CNN debate tonight, I would like to see politicians answer one question:

"The costs of taking care of illegal immigrants and their anchor babies (ugly term) runs into the tens of billions of dollars each and every year.   If elected president, would you be willing to sign an immigrants and their offspring if it meant you could forgive the college loans of every single Legal American Citizen?"   
I believe we need Immigration reform, but lets work from a position of TRUTH ON THE MATTER.  Illegal Immigrants did broke the law, and some Americans were hurt as a result of their actions in working illegally in American.  Let's provide a pathway to citizenship, but do it in a way where those hurt by Illegal Immigration are made whole in the process.  Anything short of a solution that makes those hurt whole, while also providing a pathway is, in my mind an unacceptable untenable solution that must be opposed.

Think about it Republicans and you want to be doling out goodies to illegal immigrants and their children that are paid for with citizen tax dollars, or instead would you like to see the Federal Government forgive every single college loan on the books?   What positive changes would occur in voters and voters family's lives if they were suddenly free of that college debt? As a voter of any color, regardless of your party affiliation, would you be willing to vote for a candidate that was willing to implement this one singular action on the first day of their presidency through an executive order if it could be done, if it freed you and your children up from tens of thousands in college loans?   Not meaning here to pick on those who came here illegally, they are doing what they can to take care of their own fact, I blame government, and big business....if law enforcement were coming down hard on the employers, this issue would not even be on the radar, and the Immigration Reform issues would have been solved long ago.

This is a call to action....stop allowing politicians to marginalize the largest voting block in America! Become a issue focused white voter today and abandon your single party loyalties.  Maybe if we do that, it will be a step to seeing voters Unite along economic lines, instead of dividing along ethnic, religious, sex/sexual orientation lines, and in that we then can turn our attention to the politicians and demand accountability, and laws that make America work for ALL CITIZENS, instead of just the few in the top ten percent, the UBER RICH who are oppressing us all.