The airwaves today are wall to wall Trump after he suggested America bar Muslims from coming to America until our government can get the immigration process right. I take exception with Donald Trump's position that all Muslims should be barred from immigrating to America...that said, there is an argument to be made that everyone from EVERYWHERE should be kept from immigrating to America (legally or illegally) until we get our own house in order when it comes to people immigrating to America.
1. Lets deal with our borders.
2. Lets deal with those who overstay their Visa.
3. Let's come up with a system of checks and balances that facilitates legal immigration into our nation, while at the same time keeps undesirables out, including criminals, malcontents and possible terrorists.
4. Figure out a system that makes sure those who come here do assimilate into our country, learn to read, write, speak and understand our language.
Let us as a nation take a time out, absorb those who are already here, and come to an agreement on who should or should not be allowed to come to America, and once we our in agreement, lets stick to the list, apply equal standards to EVERYONE, regardless of their race, creed, religion, sexual orientation or country of origin.
First thing that should be on that list of things for our government to address when deciding who can and who cannot immigrate to America should be their willingness to assimilate, which includes learning to speak, read and comprehend our English language. If you have been in America for 10, 20 or more years and still cannot read, speak and comprehend English, then you have no business living in America. The days of pushing 2 for Spanish needs to end. If you are not willing to relinquish citizenship granted to you from some other nation, and swear allegiance to America, then you should not be here. A perfect example of this can be found in sports where we have citizens of America playing professional sports, making millions of dollars here in America who go play sports for their home country's Olympic team...that is a divided allegiance that needs to end.
As a nation,let us not ban someone based on their religion, but let us also not allow people access to American citizenship who are not willing to fully embrace what it means to be American.
Matthew 6:24 states, "No one can serve two masters. For you will hate one and love the other, you will be devoted to one and despise the other." People cannot be true citizens of America if they still pledge allegiance to another country, and that country's value systems and laws. Still hold duel citizenship here and elsewhere. It is in this context that Trump has opened up an ugly can of worms that no one really wants to discuss, finding it easier to label "The Trump" a heretic than discuss the issues that he so un-artfully brought to light in his call for banning all Muslims.
Let's as example look at Saudi Arabia which is a Muslim country, most of those who live there practicing Islam in one form or another. No problem so far...BUT, it is also a country that both embraces and has codified Sharia Law, a set or rules and regulations based (supposedly) on the Quran, which is supposedly the word of Allah, much like Moses and the Ten Commandments. Let's face it, Sharia Law has NO PLACE in America, no place in our culture. Is it fair under our constitution to ask people to swear to uphold our laws and system of government, and denounce and/or abandon their beliefs in Sharia Law? If someone of Muslim faith wants to believe that their faith requires them to embrace and support Sharia Law, we as a nation do have a problem when it comes to them becoming citizens of our nation. Perhaps the best example of this problem is the growing problem of "Honor Killings" here in America.
I do not agree with how Donald Trump has framed this important conversation that our nation, and our leaders need to have...who gets to come to America, and what rules and regulations do we need to have in place when it comes to saying yes or no to those wishing to immigrate here. However I do agree that A) we should declare a full and complete moratorium on immigration until we address the problems with the immigration system, and B) we should not allow 10,000 refugees from war torn areas of the Middle East unless we have the ability to fully and completely vet each and every one of them before they ever set foot on America's shores.
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