Crusty Hippy's Pages

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Is America Stupid Enough To Elect Donald Trump President?

Give a street corner con artist running a "Three Card Monty" scam a $7 Million dollar helicopter with his name emblazoned on both sides, a Billion dollars, mix in a dash of Bernard L. Madoff, shake with a liberal dose of P.T. Barnum and you have "The Donald", presidential Republican Party front runner and braggadocio extraordinaire.   To listen to his stream of stupidity laden self aggrandizement not so carefully disguised as a campaign speech, and you are left amazed as he claims to have all the answers, something in his magicians hat for everyone in the audience...instead, he is trying to pull off the greatest fleecing of Americans to ever come down the track.  He would love us all to see him as a rich Harry Potter ready too work his white magic on  behalf of us Muggles, but if the truth be told, he is Lord Vordemort who's name should not be spoken.

Donald Trump..."I love women!"

Yes Donald, we know you do.  Three wives, and if she were not your blood relative you would date your daughter.   That's a rather uncomfortable image you painted for us Mr. Trump.   Forget asking your wife and Ivanka about your love for women, can you tell us some specifics about what you would do for American women if elected president?  Since you are so smart Mr. trump, sure I do not need to tell you that the keyword in that last sentence is specifics.   While you are at it, could you tell us voters how you would pay for all those things you are going to do for the women of America. Yes, we know you are incredibly rich, but $10 Billion is not going to go very far if you start sharing your own money (fat chance) with 300 Million American citizens...well, if we eliminate the one percent of uber rich Americans, you are really only going to be sharing that wealth with 297 million of us, so it might go a little bit further.  Deport all those pesky illegal aliens, and we might get the number down to around 280 million.

Donald Trump..."I'm going to create jobs!"

First, what kinds of jobs are you going to create?  Are these going to be GREAT JOBS that pay a living wage, or are they going to be low end hotel industry jobs working in one of your many hotels...perhaps the Post Office just down the street from the White House that you have mentioned out on the Campaign Trail at least 2,000 times in your first three months of being a presidential candidate.   I can only speak for myself, but three months into your bloviating infomercial masquerading as  campaign, a bit weary hearing about just how great and wealthy you are.   We get it....because of your father's connections and money, you went to a GREAT SCHOOL, and that apparently makes you very smart...but what kind of jobs are you going to be creating to help the middle class here in America?

Donald Trump..."I'm going to build a great wall, and those here in America illegally are going to have to leave."

OK, this one is a bit dicey as I actually agree with much of your stance on illegal aliens.  Illegal Aliens from Mexico send $130 Billion dollars a year back to Mexico in remittances...that is wealth leaving America.   Eliminating that drain on our economy, keep that fuel in our own economic engine would in some ways mean Mexico was paying to build the wall.   You have hinted that E-Verify should be the law of the land, its implementation shutting down the jobs magnet that sees illegal aliens rushing our border with the intent of living the American Dream by stealing it from lower and middle class Americans.   What I have not heard you talk about, what you seem to dance around is what you would do about the individuals and companies that are hiring illegal aliens, and in doing so lowering American wages by about $220 Billion dollars a year.   As President Donald, are you prepared to hand down stiff penalties (into the millions of dollars) and have mandatory prison sentences for companies and their upper management that hire illegal aliens.   A simple yes or no would suffice Mr. Trump, and am sure a man of your incredible intellect can quickly, truthfully and succinctly answer this simple yes or no question.  This is not "Dancing With The Stars", no flashy double talk, just a simple yes or no will suffice nicely.

Donald Trump..."I'm going to make deals, GREAT DEALS that are good for America."

Looking at the fact that Bill and Hillary Clinton have earned almost $200 million dollars since leaving the White House, knowing they are just not as smart as you (we all know you are VERY SMART) when it comes to business and finance, pardon me if I wonder just how much money you are thinking you can make if you successfully pull the wool over the eyes of the American electorate and become president.  Setting that musing on my part aside, can you share with us some of these deals you see making for America?   Don't trot out the whole fable about the Ford plant being built in Mexico, that one has kind of been beaten to death at this point in the race.   Humor us common folk with just one or two examples of these DEALS you keep talking about with all the wonderful folks in Iowa and New Hampshire...and yes, you folks down in South Carolina as well.   We don't want to shrink the Donald BIG TENT con by creating any hurt feelings.   FREE PIE FOR EVERYONE...CHERRY PIE!

Donald Trump..."We need victories, and spirit, America needs more spirit!

Talk to me here Donald!  What do you mean when you say we need more spirit?  Should we be singing hymns while slaving away at our jobs that don't pay a living wage (after taxes, $15 per hour is not even a living wage), maybe hold weekly PEP RALLIES around the water cooler?  Jumping jacks!  Is that what you mean...all of us can start off our shift with five minutes of calisthenics to get our juices flowing, get the proverbial endorphin's flowing so we can smile while we slave away building wealth for people like you so you can create more jobs that pay indentured servant wages to all of us in the great unwashed masses collectively known as the less fortunate' s.  

In the name of ratings the media (Fox, CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC, and even Univision) has contributed to your rise to the top of the heap, tossing you soft ball questions, allowing you to duck giving real answers with your trademark, "Excuse me, EXCUSE ME".   Did they teach you that at Wharton School of Business?  Yes we know, its a great school, and you have to be really smart (or have a really RICH DAD) to get in.  Problem is, if people bother to take a look behind the curtain, it turns out the wizard actually has no clothes, is pretending to be the all knowing Oz when in reality you are nothing more than a spoiled rotten, mean spirited bully attempting to perpetuate the greatest scam on the American public ever conceived, while in the process doing a wonderful job at destroying the Republican Party....I do thank you for that last little part though...a bit tired of stiff necked blow hard stuffed shirt bigots telling the rest of us how we should live our lives, trying to fool us into believing rich people should be coddled because they create jobs.

So Mr about some STRAIGHT TALK, how about some real answers and details on all these wonderful plans and deals you have in store for us.   My comment page is all yours, so please stop by and lets chat, have a real discussion.  The microphone so to speak is yours.

Just an FYI Mr. Trump

1.  If you want to attack me, call me stupid, might want to do it here as I am currently not doing Twitter, nor would I waste my energy following your Tweets.

2.  If you are going to hold your breath till your face turns blue and threaten to sue me, feel free, as even if you win, I have no money, your judgement would be an empty victory that a world class bully could add to his list of over stated accomplishments.

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