Crusty Hippy's Pages

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Syrian and/or Muslim Refuges of War Should NOT Be Allowed In America

Well aware of the words on the "Statue of Liberty" and what America stands for.  Also know that our immigration policies are the most liberal in the world.   They are even more liberal when you consider the fact that our Federal Government refuses to deport over 12 million illegal aliens who are in America  illegally.   We have a president that wants to let up to 10,000 refuges from the war in Syria and the Middle East into America, while we have governors from 30 states saying WE DO NOT WANT THESE PEOPLE LIVING IN OUR STATE.  Let's not invite another Paris,another 9/11 to our shores, lets not go giving the leader of ISIS the ability to make his prediction of attacking America on our shores come true by inviting his terrorists in through the front door.

The governors are right!  

I'm as liberal as they come on most issues, but consider some very basic hard math.  If even one tenth of one percent of these war refugees are actually terrorists, that means allowing ten thousand refugees into America brings with them TEN only took 8 terrorists to wreak havoc in Paris this past weekend.  Let's say America lets 20,000 war refugees into our country...that means we have 20 terrorists that were given a free pass into our many terrorists did it take to create 9/11?

Even the most generous of countries have the right some times to "Just say no!" and in light of this Jehad against the west, it is time for America to take a pass on this one.   Let Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Turkey, or any other country in the world play host...We here in America should err on the side of safety of our own citizens an refuse to participate in the relocation of this group of refugees rather than risk allowing terrorist a free pass to come to America.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Time For a Real World War 3 Against Daesh And Their Radical Islamist Demonspawn

Lets stop being politically correct, and lets see our national leaders from all countries and political parties stop playing politics.   America, Britain, France, Russia, China, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Africa and every other country in the world...where are your parliaments,  Congresses and leaders in putting forth a official DECLARATION OF WAR against Daesh?  Why isn't every nation of the world committing troops and arms to a World War aimed at hunting down these vile demon spawn followers of a sick and twisted version of Allah like the dogs that they are?  The Allah these monsters follow is a pig, a scum, dog excrement that should be killed.  Moderate Muslims worship a different Allah, an Allah that would condemn the actions of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

Where is a $100 Million dollar bounty on the head of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, where is the deck of 52 cards each picturing one of the key figures in this movement with the amount of bounty on their head prominently displayed?  Why isn't there a coalition of nations willing to put boots on the ground in every nation where these terrorist cells are known to be?  The occasional bombings and drone strikes are not enough to eradicate these twisted monsters from the earth.   Why hasn't the United Nations called for an emergency meeting of the Security Counsel?  Where is NATO.

The leader of Syria... he has to go as well.   Don't try to convince us that our government, the Pentagon does not know the where about's of Assad...a drone strike, special forces, air strikes,what ever it takes to remove this man from office, and it is time for America, our allies and the United Nations to tell Putin to FALL IN LINE, or remove himself and his troops from the battlefield in Syria and let us do what we need to do.

Those who are known to have affiliated themselves with ISIS, or are known to have funneled money to this terrorist group...ROUND THEM UP, throw them in a detention center...THIS IS A TIME OF WAR.     

The time has come...Let's take back our world from these demented followers of a perverted form of Islam, lets show them the wraith of God, and if the Muslims of the world are not with us in this battle, then they are against us.  It is now an us verse them war, and like it or not,the supposed reasonable have to pick sides.             

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Ted Cruz Just Had a Rick Perry Moment!

Ted Cruz cannot count right!  He wants to eliminate FIVE DEPARTMENTS of the Federal is the problem...he counted the Department of Commerce twice.  WHAT A BUFFOON!

Republican Debate Take Away...FUCK The American Worker

The take away from the Republican Presidential debate is pretty clear...Fuck the American worker at every step down the road.   Raising the minimum wage...forget about it, every Republican candidate wants to embrace the same old trickle down system that has decimated our middle class.   Illegal aliens who have stolen our jobs, and thus our American Dream...LET THEM SAY, Donald Trump the only one who says they need to go home.  

Social Security...Ted Cruz for instance wants benefits (that are already deplorable) to grow at a slower pace, average American workers should work longer as in until they are so old they die before they ever collect a penny of the money they put into the system.   Who remembers when we got to retire and enjoy our Golden Years at the age of 60?  Here is a better idea Ted about if our Federal Government repays the Social Security system back all the money it has STOLEN FROM IT.

Did you get health coverage under Obama Care?   Well, kiss it good bye as every candidate on stage in this debates wants to do away with it and let BIG BUSINESS continue to rob us blind when it comes to health insurance.   Here is a better idea...take Obama Care further, eliminate state borders that protect BIG MEDICAL, and go to a Universal Health Care system with fair and equal access for all.

Bottom Line....if you want to die poor, broke and disheartened, put one of this nut job Republicans in the oval office in 2016.

Ben "Hammer Head" Carson Needs To Grow Up...Vetting Is Part of Process

I hit my Mom in head with a hammer!  So What?
Think at one point or another, we have all embellished a story, exaggerated an episode in our life for one reason or another.   A little more detail here, enhancing this or that aspect of what once was a real life event that over years even decades takes on epic proportions as an antidote shared with friends, or perhaps inserted into a talk or speech to make a point.   Most of the time these exaggerations cause no harm, rarely are we held accountable for stretching the truth to a point where it is scarcely recognizable from the original event(s) in our lives.   However; when you run for political office, especially if you are wanting to become the next President of the United States, that all changes.   We expect truth and honesty in our elected officials and anything they have ever said or written is going to be examined under a microscope.

Which brings us to odd duck "Republican Presidential Wannabe" brain surgeon Ben Carson who is all in a tither over the media's vetting process for the man who is now leading in the polls.   They, in his words" are being to hard on him, are grilling him harder than any presidential candidate past or present has ever been grilled.  He believes his story of his childhood temper should not be investigated, that he should simply be taken at his word.  OK...let's take him at his word for a moment, assume that all his stories and fabrications are true upon their face.

1.  You attacked your MOTHER...hit her in the head with a HAMMER.
2.  You smashed a friend in the face, your hand clutching a padlock, leaving a three inch gash.
3.  You apparently used bats and rocks as weapons against those who crossed you.
4.  You STABBED SOMEONE...saying it was OK because the knife broke on the kid's belt buckle as if an intervention from God.

Ben Carson attributes these violent acts to a pathological temper.  Is that pathological as in well out of the normal, extreme, even to the extent of mental illness?  As a voter, am I wrong for wanting to A) know the facts and nothing but the facts, and B) have reporters on my behalf ask questions about these violent attacks, and his claim that his pathological temper was somehow exorcised from his being after praying for three hours?  If the stories are fabricated, that makes Ben Carson a pathological liar.   If as he claims, they are true, that raises some serious concerns that would make me question his mental stability in regards to holding the highest office in our land.  Looking at pictures of his home, the shrine to himself that it is, complete with a picture of him with Jesus, find myself wondering if this gifted brain surgeon is perhaps more than a bit of a whack-a-doodle.  

Add to this some of his views/beliefs, and one has to wonder how he is leading in the polls right now. When it comes to gays, he believes it is a choice, stating as proof the fact that a lot of men go into prison straight and come out being gay.   On the subject of the Great Pyramids...not so great after all according to Ben Carson, but instead grain silos to keep God's chosen well fed.  He believes that Congress's refusal to pass the Republican Agenda could see Obama declaring "Martial Law" thus seeing the 2016  Presidential Elections cancelled.   He believes congress should be allowed to get rid of any judge who voted/votes for marriage equality...never mind that our constitution only gives congress the right to remove judges for impeachable acts such as treason.  He believes Obama is deliberately holding down our American economy to keep people on welfare, has gone so far as to say Obama is the worst thing to happen since slavery.

Personally, am happy that our free press is properly VETTING Ben Carson and all the other candidates running for national office, and would suggest that Ben Carson stop his whining, and instead start coming clean with the American Voters, giving us straight forward, honest answers.