Crusty Hippy's Pages

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Is It Time For a Second American Revolution? Rich verse Poor in America...Modern Day Slavery

End Slave Wages In America
Republicans, the "Uber Rich and Donald Trump would have us believe that it is the well healed class (rich) who create jobs in America.  As Paul Harvey was fond of saying, "and now for the rest of the story".  Yes, the rich and elite of the world do create jobs, but it is the worker who toils away each and every day for slave wages that creates their wealth, yet the rich do not in any fair way share that wealth being created by these workers.  That reality needs to change, and will only change if American workers stage a second Revolution here in the United States.

Factor in inflation, and wages in America have remained flat and/or shrunk since the 70's while the rich have increased their overall percentage of America's wealth and treasure they control.  Our government at every level no longer represents the people, but instead are soldiers of these rich and elite who keep the average lower and middle class workers existing in what can only be considered modern day slavery.  At what point is enough enough, and at what point does the oppressed minority realize that demanding change is not working, that more drastic steps are necessary to effect changes that see a fair system of wealth distribution and profit sharing occurring in America?  When does the time come when average Main Street Americans take whatever actions are necessary to receive a living wage, rather than surviving on subsistence wages?

The Beatles lyrics ponder...

You say you want a revolution
Well, you know We all want to change the world
You tell me that it's evolution
Well, you know We all want to change the world
But when you talk about destruction
Don't you know that you can count me out...

No one likes revolution, and it could be argued that no one wins in a least not in the short haul.  But what if a battle that needs to be fought now would benefit our children and their children down the line?   Does it then become imperative upon us to fight the good fight for those future generations that come behind us?   The concept of paying it forward employed in creating an America that actually has equality at its core rather than claiming its existence while most of the nation's citizens are barely getting by?

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi brought about revolution and with it change without ever taking up arms against his oppressors.  It is believed that "America's Main Street Citizens" can have revolution, can effect serious changes through peaceful revolution, and the time for that revolution is now.

Peaceful protests as millions of Middle and Lower class Americans take to the street demanding parity and fairness in distributing America's corporate wealth and treasure.    Nationwide "Blue Flu Days" where every working American simply does not show up for work...a complete lock down of America's businesses as workers take the day off to send a message that slave wages are no longer going to be acceptable.   The rich cannot fire everyone, and there is power in numbers.   Closing down every school, bank, and business in America for a day would show Wall Street that we mean business, that we are no longer going to let them build their wealth off our sweat without some of that wealth coming our way.

Have roving boycotts of those companies (Walmart, McDonald's) that have the worst wage and benefits schedules.  Imagine every American boycotting every Walmart in America on "Black Friday"!  That would get their attention, make them seriously reconsider their wage base that has employees living their lives as indentured servants of the wealthy class.

2016 is a Presidential Election Year, and every Congressman/woman is up for re-election.  Lets clean house!   Main Street Americans should put up a common every day (not rich) American on the ballot in every Congressional District, and then VOTE FOR THEM.   Imagine a new Congress where every person taking the oath of office was a FRESH FACE!  Imagine a new Congress where every member was a working class stiff who came from the world where people live and raise a family on $8-$15 dollars an hour (before taxes).

Let's have another Revolution in America, one fought along class lines, a Revolution aimed at ending "Modern Day Slavery".

Monday, September 28, 2015

Let Putin Take On ISIS

So, the big news today is Putin opting to side with Bashar Hafez al-Assad, is sending in serious forces and equipment to take on these monsters...let him use his country's lives and treasure propping up an evil man, and taking on the most dangerous groups of terrorist the world has ever the end, think the outcome is going to be pretty clear.   When his countryman start seeing their soldiers decapitated, their heads put on stakes, their love affair with Putin will soon wane.   Furthermore, he is going to have no choice eventually but to pull his troops out, and in that vacuum Bashar Hafez al-Assad will fall.

Smart money seems to say the United States cannot afford to let Russia and Putin carve out a larger role in the Middle East...I disagree.   Perhaps we can use Iran, Iraq and Russia coming to the aid of Syria against ISIS can be used to America's advantage.  First, Iraq as it was, the Iraq Americans fought and died for is no more, so let the country splinter sooner rather than the meantime, while Iran and Russia are spending hundreds of billions if not trillions waging war in Syria, let us do two things, perhaps three things.

1.   Strengthen our ties with Turkey.
2.  Back the Kurds not only with military equipment, but in becoming a separate country, helping them in carving out their own nation from the splintered Iraq.
3.  Put our diplomatic efforts into helping a new Kurdistan and Turkey become both friends and allies.

While our military is watching the show over in Syria, lets rebuild our military, including building some world class military bases and airstrips in the new Kurdistan.   Position Turkey, Kurdistan and America to jump in and fill the void that WILL HAPPEN when Russia fails in the Middle East, and Bashar Hafez al-Assad's government collapses.

Before you write me off as a heretic or lunatic, consider this...Israel is already trying to strengthen ties with Iraqi Kurds, and are already getting most of their oil from them.  Having American military bases in a new Kurdistan would allow us to have Israel's back in a much more concrete way, would allow America to easily strike Iran if the need should arise...such as when they break the nuclear agreement which we all know they will.

The fly in the ointment...Turkey is not happy with Israel right now.   Question is, could Turkey come around...yes, but only when and if Israel is willing to get serious about creating a Palestinian State...As long as Iraq is splintering up into God knows what, wondering if there is any chance the Palestinians would consider having their own state carved out of the crumbling nation that was Iraq....especially if they knew that the United Nations, America, and the Kurds would help in defending the borders of their new nation...I know the Palestinians want Jerusalem as their capital, but what's more important...peace, and your own place to call home, or standing on principal while your people suffer?

Putin wants to take on ISIS and defend Syria...I say let him have at it, but only if we use the time to America and our allies best advantage.

Vatican and Pope As Cash Cow in the Name of Jesus

We Charge For These Pictures?  Oh MY!
Watching CNN's unnecessary wall to wall coverage of "Pope Francis" visit to America, I was struck by something that brought the truth of the Catholic Church home...despite all of it's wonderful words strung together in a way to bring people into the church, a simple fact rings loud and is all about the money.   What we hear is pretty simple, cherish, and help all of those who are less fortunate than ourselves, repent for our sins and say 4000 Holy Mary's and get will go to heaven. This message is driven home with occasional "Kodak Moments" where we see Pope Francis meeting with "Illegal Aliens" and their children, washing the feet of less fortunate,  all while chiding us to be better, more accepting children of the light...sounds good doesn't it?  Yet, consider this...

You have your moment in the sun with the Pope!  You, your child, your family are fortunate enough to be one of the chosen who will actually get a face to face meeting with him, maybe an unexpected touch or handshake as he drives down the street in yet another parade, or in a more organized moment when he is visiting a school catering to the needs of  illegal immigrants anchor babies. There in the background is the ever present "official Vatican photographer" capturing these "Kodak Moments" of that once in a life time event.

You and your rag muffins all aglow head home and want pictures of this "MAGIC MOMENT"...of course you do.   Have no fear!  You can have copies of those wonderful pictures taken by the "official Vatican photographer" FOR A PRICE.   

You would think the  Pope would, out of kindness and love, make sure that the photographer or another member of his staff would get the names/addresses of these people, write down the photograph numbers that correlate to their time with his Holiness, and at some later date and time "as a gift from the church" send them some nice 8x10's suitable for framing...but no, they put these pictures on a website where you can go and order them for a price.   Have to keep the cash registers at the Vatican ringing up those dollars!

Friday, September 25, 2015

Pope's Visit to New York Offensive to Main Street Americans

Time for Pope and Illegal Aliens To Go Home
Pope Francis continues to tell us Legal Americans that he is the child of an immigrant, much as many of us are children and grand children of immigrants.   Question is, is he the child of legal or illegal immigrants, and as a learned man, DOES HE KNOW THE DIFFERENCE?  His visit to America would suggest he does not, or that he chooses (more than likely) to ignore the difference, wanting in some fashion to have Americans view illegal aliens who have stolen our jobs in the same light as we view those who obeyed our laws and immigrated to America legally.  That is offensive to all Main Street middle class Americans, and all those who abide'd by our laws in coming to America for a better life.

Stop trying to humanize common criminals Pope Francis, and show some respect to those here in America that are being hurt by the presence in our nation of over 11 million criminals who are stealing our American Dream so they can live their own.

While we are on the are also being hypocritical in your concern for Global Warming, as your church's stand on birth control, abortion and "Planned Parenthood" run contrary to trying to solve the global emergency that is Global Warming.   Fact...the out of control explosion of human beings is causing Global Warming, and the only real solution to Global Warming is to SHRINK, not EXPAND the world wide population of humans to a manageable human population base of 2-3 billion souls.   Only in reining in our human population can we reverse Global Warming and live on a self sustaining planet.   So instead of preaching large families the church needs to preach to its congregation that the time has come to plan for small families, and time to embrace birth control and abortions in an attempt to save our planet. 

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Separation of Church and State....Why Are Tax Dollars Being Spent On Pope

Let Catholics Pay For His Visit!
The pope seems like a nice enough fellow, and I get why Catholics are all wet in the panties over his visit to America.   I understand that about 20 percent of our population claims some allegiance to the Catholic Church, even if only attending church on Easter Sunday and Christmas Eve.   What I object to is the other 80 percent of us being extremely inconvenienced and having our tax dollars spent because he decides to pop in for a visit.

Let's be clear here, we are not talking CHUMP CHANGE...the city of New York has spent over 16 Million dollars just renting bike racks to be used in crowd control. Police officers, sniper teams, equipment deployment, and every Secret Service member available for duty from here to Nebraska has been pulled in for this religious extravaganza!  Six days, three cities, and probably a total price tag of over $50 MILLION DOLLARS!  Shouldn't the Catholics be paying for this?

Furthermore, isn't the whole thing more than a bit hypocritical?   The "People's Pope" who is all about helping the poor and many poor people could be given a helping hand with $50 MILLION DOLLARS spread around?   The homeless, food pantries, health clinics...a lot of these places could receive some much needed assistance if our tax dollars were going to them instead of protecting the Catholic Pope for a few days.   Really Pope Francis...get a clue...the hypocrisy of you having us waste over $50 million dollars so you can waive at your congregation and deliver a few speeches is astounding. 

There are about 69 million Catholics here in about all of you sending the United States Treasury a buck instead of expecting the rest of us heathens to pick up your tab!  Furthermore, if this man sees himself as the "Peoples Pope" he should not be inconveniencing millions of commuters who need to earn our daily you know what traffic is going to be like because he wants to come to New York?   Stay home Pope Francis, we do not need the headache.   Does this supposed man of God know how much money he is going to cost many of the common people who will lose work time because of his visit?

Monday, September 21, 2015

Ben Carson Has a Point...Anyone Running For Public Office Should Renounce Sharia Law

Personally, am very tied of having to be politically correct, having to dance around hot button issues because some group or another is going to be offended.  Ben Carson would never get my vote, nor would Donald Trump...that said, they both are bringing out from underneath the rug some very ugly issues that need to be discussed from a perspective of what is best for America, and its legal citizens.  

The latest so called misstep for both Donald Trump and Ben Carson revolves around Muslims and Sharia Law.   Personally, have no problem here with a Muslim or someone of the "Islamic Faith" holding political long as they are not a proponent of, or advocate for Sharia Law to be embraced and/or practiced here in America.   Someone advocating for Sharia Law should be a disqualifying factor which disqualifies  that person holding ANY PUBLIC OFFICE in the United States of America.   

Let's look at some of what Sharia Law would demand of us here in America.  In general, Sharia law is the most intrusive and strict set of laws in the world, wrongfully inserting itself into our private lives and liberties...especially when it comes to women.  Some of the specifics are startling frightening, and have no place in America Society or our courts.

•  Theft is punishable by amputation of the right hand.
•  Criticizing or denying any part of the Quran is punishable by death
•  Criticizing or denying Muhammad is a prophet is punishable by death.
•  Criticizing or denying Allah, the moon god of Islam is punishable by death.
•  A Muslim who becomes a non-Muslim is punishable by death.
•  A non-Muslim who leads a Muslim away from Islam is punishable by death.
•  A non-Muslim man who marries a Muslim woman is punishable by death.
•  A man can marry an infant girl and consummate the marriage when she is 9 years old.
•  Girls' clitoris should be cut (per Muhammad's words in Book 41, Kitab Al-Adab, Hadith 5251).
•  A woman can have 1 husband, but a man can have up to 4 wives; Muhammad can have more.
•  A man can unilaterally divorce his wife but a woman needs her husband's consent to divorce.
•  A man can beat his wife for insubordination.
•  Testimonies of four male witnesses are required to prove rape against a woman.
•  A woman who has been raped cannot testify in court against her rapist(s).
•  A woman's testimony in court, allowed only in property cases, carries half the weight of a man's.
•  A female heir inherits half of what a male heir inherits.
•  A woman cannot drive a car, as it leads to fitnah (upheaval).
•  A woman cannot speak alone to a man who is not her husband or relative.
•  Meat to be eaten must come from animals that have been sacrificed to Allah - i.e., be Halal.
•  Muslims should engage in Taqiyya and lie to non-Muslims to advance Islam.

In general, "Sharia Law" runs contrary to our American Democracy, is disrespectful of holding any religious belief other than Islam, and treats women as second class citizens and/or chattel.  Ben Carson expressing his personal views, even as a Presidential Candidate is his right, and more importantly, even though his comments are considered "Politically Incorrect", he is probably correct in stating a Muslim should not be allowed to serve as President of the United States unless he/she is willing to denounce "Sharia Law.

Have a question for Muslims in closing...why is it that you can insult Christianity, even burn a Bible and that is OK, but you want to kill people if they speak ill of Muhammad/Allah, or burn a Quran in protest.  Seems far more than a double standard if you ask me.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Carly Fiorina...CAN WE SAY LOSER?

The Face of a Angry Woman
Carly Fiorina at best is a brash pushy broad who likes to be dictatorial in her actions, and like Nixon probably has an enemies list that she tucks under her pillow every night as she falls off to sleep.  If you look at the bell weather moments of her life, one word comes to mind...FAILURE...yes, all in caps.

Law School...she was a drop out.

Her first marriage...ended in divorce.

Her Tenure as CEO of Hewlett Packard...ended with destroyed stock prices, and broken company morale.

Her first involvement in politics working for John McCain...John McCain lost the election.

Her second involvement in politics...she was trounced in her efforts to get elected to Congress.

Motherhood...her daughter killed herself with a drug overdose.

Now she wants to become the next president of the United States of American, wants us to allow her and her venomous just under the surface temper to be the one that has the codes for our nuclear arsenal.    Surely she cannot be serious.  Perhaps America would be much better served if Carly Fiorina took her temper, the $100 Million she earned in running a company into the ground and went off into the sunset with her husband and his yacht...if he really wants her company, which is questionable.

By the way Carly....for a woman that ran a computer company, your website is very that the best you and your team can do?

Some Questions For Presidential Candidates

The biggest problem with "Presidential Elections"...everything is scripted, who has access to the people running for the office controlled (except in Iowa and New Hampshire) and scripted.  Real access only granted to the rich, elite and power of our nation.   That is not democracy that our forefathers envisioned over 200 years ago.    Though the questions will not get answered (politicians are very adept at answering questions with answers full emptiness), going to pose a few here that I would like to receive straight forward answers to.

On Immigration

America has some of the most liberal immigration laws in the entire world.   For those who follow the rules, there is always a warm welcome, and a helping hand up the ladder as they begin their quest of living the American Dream.  Those who support illegal aliens want us to believe the costs of deporting illegal aliens is far too costly, choosing to ignore the facts...illegal aliens and their children cost America over $200 Billion dollars a year in assorted costs such as schooling, food stamps, and incarcerations, they depreciate American wages by over $200 Billion dollars a year, and starve America's economic engine by hundreds of billions a year through remittances sent back to their countries of origin.  Despite those who would have us believe otherwise, history tells us we can deport 11 million illegal aliens...simply look back to the Presidency of Dwight D. Eisenhower and you will see America shut down the jobs magnet, orchestrated neighborhood and work place enforcement raids, and in 24 months deported over six million illegal aliens.

1.  Do you understand the difference between legal and illegal immigration, and why is it that you keep trying to treat/present these two diverse groups as one and the same?  

2.  Illegal aliens and their supporters claim illegal aliens pay taxes, using the fact that they pay sales tax on items they purchase as proof.  What percentage of those here illegally do not pay FEDERAL INCOME TAXES (underground economy), and shouldn't they have to pay all those back taxes with penalties and interest (as all law abiding citizens would have to do), as a part of making restitution for their breaking our laws in coming to and remaining in America Illegally?   Almost every proposed law would waive penalties/interest on these unpaid taxes, and would only require a illegal alien to pay back three years worth of unpaid Federal Taxes to GET RIGHT WITH THE do you justify such a "Tax Amnesty" for these people when an American citizen who failed to pay his Federal taxes for 10-20 years could face prison time.

3.   Do you support E-Verify which is over 98 percent effective in telling employers (including families hiring household workers), and would you support it becoming the law of the land, making it mandatory for any one/any company employing people?   Would you support under E-Verify stiff penalties (including jail time) for employers caught hiring illegal aliens?

4.   Under a flawed interpretation of the 14th Amendment, over six million people born to illegal aliens have gained birthright citizenship.  If you are elected president will you introduce legislation to end this flawed and costly program that gives instant citizenship to any one born in America?

5.    With the global migration crisis (caused by the unrest in the Middle East) other countries such as Croatia and Hungary are successfully locking down their borders...yet politicians here in America would have us believe that the most powerful country in the world cannot build a wall and secure our southern border with Mexico.  If elected president, what steps are you prepared to take on your first day in office to secure our Southern border and stem the flow of illegal immigration into America?

On Jobs and a Living Wage

There is a lot of push back on raising the minimum wage.   Additionally, those who support raising the minimum wage seem to have a benchmark bottom wage base of $15 per hour.   The average employee working a 40 hour work week at $15 per hour would have a gross yearly income of $31,200.   However; gross pay is not take home pay...Social Security Taxes, Federal Taxes, Workers Comp, and State Taxes quickly see that gross pay scaled down to in hand dollars of $24,960.   A quick look at the average monthly expenses (rent, utilities, car payment/insurance, phone/cable/internet) and you quickly total up fixed mandatory expenses of $22,800 per year, and that does not include food, or health insurance.   You cannot purchase health insurance and feed yourself on that remaining $2,160 a year.   Which means you have to start looking at what you can cut out of your budget, what you can survive without.   A large contingent of those who are running for office would have us believe that America's wealthy and elite create jobs, while ignoring the other half of the equation which is the fact that all those hard working Americans who are working for slave wages are the ones creating that wealth through their efforts and hard labor.

1.   Would you support raising the minimum wage to $25 per hour, which would provide the average American family with what amounts to a living wage.

2.   Would you support limiting how much money is paid to executives and owners of companies big and small, so that fairness and equity is returned to they system, so that all workers share in the success of a business?

Equal Rights and Gay Marriage

Let us start with SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE.    A marriage license is issued by an agency of the government, not by the church.   A church blesses a couple's marriage vowels, while an agency of government issues a legal document that authorizes and recognizes the legal joining/binding of two lives into one union.  Equal rights under the law...why have we even been having this argument.  One person or groups religious beliefs should not dictate what rights will or will not be bestowed on others.

1.   As a litmus test to hold political office, do you support "Equal Rights" for all citizens, and will you abide by the law of the land when it comes to granting gay couples the legal right to be married under the law with all the rights and responsibilities that come with that legalized union.

Pro-Choice verse Pro-Life

For the record, I support a woman's "freedom of choice"...even God grants us this "freedom of choice". My question...with all the far more important social and world issues on the agenda, why is this on the list of things to do any way?  It was settled with Roe VS Wade, so can we move on to the far more pressing issues facing America and its working class?  For those wondering, yes this is a bit of a Rhetorical Question...the fringe right wing of the Republican Party derives far to much pleasure from beating this dead horse every four years to rally their base...sad really.

There are a lot more questions that average Americans would like to ask, but sadly, there is not one of the current crop of candidates that will actually give us STRAIGHT answers to the questions posed in this article...that said, my comments page is open.   Fiorina, Trump, Hillary, Jeb....any takers that are up to this task?

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Last Night's Political Circus...The Debate

The Face of a Shrew?
Sometimes I listen to the pundits, wonder how they watched and saw a completely different debate than the one I watched.   The first glaring difference between the pundits and I revolves around Carly Fiorina.   Almost unanimously the pundits are calling her the overall winner of the debate, saying she hit it out of the park.  I completely disagree...Trump may not have made a politically correct and astute remark, but Trumps summation when he said to look at her face is pretty well on target.  It would not be inaccurate to define Carly Fiorina using the word Shrew.  If the lady smiled, think her face might crack.   She strikes me as a very angry woman with a very large chip on her shoulder despite the fact that she has been blessed in life with a lot of advantages.

However; something handled with kid gloves, but the reason why her political career should be over occurred when she spoke about losing her step-daughter to drugs. Curious here Carly, did you provide your daughter with a kind, nurturing love filled home as she grew up, or instead were you and your husband so busy being Titans of the business/jet set world that you found it easier to leave her in the hands of a Nanny, or  did you pack her off to boarding schools in the name of giving her a better education. Did you bake cookies with/for her, or have the nanny pick some up at the bakery?  If you knew she had addiction problems, should you and your husband have made her the one and only priority instead of worrying about your careers?  How much time was dedicated over to making sure "SHE WAS SAFE", and if you could not keep your step daughter safe, how can you keep America and her citizens safe?  You last night wanted to blame your daughter's untimely and tragic death on drugs, but willing to bet here that a big portion of the blame can be laid at the feet of both you and your husband.  OWN THAT LADY!

Trump is Trump...a loud, brash, brawler with no real clue.   That said, lets be honest.  A) If he should get the Republican nod to be the Torch Bearer, the very next day he will get a briefing paper that will bring him up to speed, and from that day forward he will know more about what is going on and who the major players are that far surpasses the knowledge base of every one on stage last night.   B)  He has a point...a president of America, or a major corporation is to a great degree only as good as the people he or she surrounds themselves with.  

Which brings us to Jeb Bush...Think every other candidate on stage missed a great opportunity to put
Jeb seems more a toad than turtle.
the final nail in his coffin when they failed to capitalize when he tried to wrap illegal immigration and legal immigration all into one identical package.   Americans are generous of heart, but there is a world of difference between legal immigrants who followed the rules, and those who entered America illegally...Illegal Aliens.  However, the most telling reason to kick this turtle to the curb is his own admission that most of his close confidants  are from the same swimming hole that gave us Rumsfield and appropriately named Dick Cheney.   Are we really ignorant enough as a nation to go back to another four more years of the Bush Clan and all that entails?  By the way Jeb...your brother kept us safe? Maybe if he had paid more attention to that August briefing paper 9/11 would have never happened.

Carson... he needs to go back to being a surgeon and corporate insider.  Bush may have no energy he may resemble a "Nilla Wafer", but Carson has zero personality...none, zippo, nano, zilch, a personality zero that could put the most attentive listener to sleep.  I have no doubt the man is brilliant, but when it comes to personality, God short changed him, and he is never going to be in the White House unless there as a guest.

Cruz and Huckabee...PLEASE.   In two words, "Religious Zealots" that need to go find a pulpit from which to spew forth their rhetoric to their faithful four percent...the rest of us are not going to be drinking their Kool-Aid.

Chris Christie...The man (much like Trump) is a raging bull.   That said, he had two brilliant moments last night.   His telling Trump and Fiorina that middle/lower class Americans are sick of hearing these two narcissistic egos talking about their own records and successes is spot on.   His second brilliant touching moment was sharing the story of his wife on 911...all of us in the New York Metro area have stories, and his sharing of his own story was a touching moment.  That said, not going to vote for a man who's attitudes about marijuana are so antiquated...the medical benefits of marijuana at this point are well documented, and it is time we legalize marijuana nation wide.  The war on drugs has never worked, just as Prohibition back in the day did not work.   Lets put and end to the Latin American Drug Cartels by legalizing marijuana here in America and letting our own farmers add another crop to their revenue streams.   Stay in New Jersey are a failure when it comes to the National Stage.

The rest of the folks should be labeled the "Not Ready for Prime Time Players" and be sent packing. Sorry folks, but it is time to cull the herd, and all of you NEED TO GO.  You just do not have the chops to be president, and it is time for the dreams to be put away.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Is America Stupid Enough To Elect Donald Trump President?

Give a street corner con artist running a "Three Card Monty" scam a $7 Million dollar helicopter with his name emblazoned on both sides, a Billion dollars, mix in a dash of Bernard L. Madoff, shake with a liberal dose of P.T. Barnum and you have "The Donald", presidential Republican Party front runner and braggadocio extraordinaire.   To listen to his stream of stupidity laden self aggrandizement not so carefully disguised as a campaign speech, and you are left amazed as he claims to have all the answers, something in his magicians hat for everyone in the audience...instead, he is trying to pull off the greatest fleecing of Americans to ever come down the track.  He would love us all to see him as a rich Harry Potter ready too work his white magic on  behalf of us Muggles, but if the truth be told, he is Lord Vordemort who's name should not be spoken.

Donald Trump..."I love women!"

Yes Donald, we know you do.  Three wives, and if she were not your blood relative you would date your daughter.   That's a rather uncomfortable image you painted for us Mr. Trump.   Forget asking your wife and Ivanka about your love for women, can you tell us some specifics about what you would do for American women if elected president?  Since you are so smart Mr. trump, sure I do not need to tell you that the keyword in that last sentence is specifics.   While you are at it, could you tell us voters how you would pay for all those things you are going to do for the women of America. Yes, we know you are incredibly rich, but $10 Billion is not going to go very far if you start sharing your own money (fat chance) with 300 Million American citizens...well, if we eliminate the one percent of uber rich Americans, you are really only going to be sharing that wealth with 297 million of us, so it might go a little bit further.  Deport all those pesky illegal aliens, and we might get the number down to around 280 million.

Donald Trump..."I'm going to create jobs!"

First, what kinds of jobs are you going to create?  Are these going to be GREAT JOBS that pay a living wage, or are they going to be low end hotel industry jobs working in one of your many hotels...perhaps the Post Office just down the street from the White House that you have mentioned out on the Campaign Trail at least 2,000 times in your first three months of being a presidential candidate.   I can only speak for myself, but three months into your bloviating infomercial masquerading as  campaign, a bit weary hearing about just how great and wealthy you are.   We get it....because of your father's connections and money, you went to a GREAT SCHOOL, and that apparently makes you very smart...but what kind of jobs are you going to be creating to help the middle class here in America?

Donald Trump..."I'm going to build a great wall, and those here in America illegally are going to have to leave."

OK, this one is a bit dicey as I actually agree with much of your stance on illegal aliens.  Illegal Aliens from Mexico send $130 Billion dollars a year back to Mexico in remittances...that is wealth leaving America.   Eliminating that drain on our economy, keep that fuel in our own economic engine would in some ways mean Mexico was paying to build the wall.   You have hinted that E-Verify should be the law of the land, its implementation shutting down the jobs magnet that sees illegal aliens rushing our border with the intent of living the American Dream by stealing it from lower and middle class Americans.   What I have not heard you talk about, what you seem to dance around is what you would do about the individuals and companies that are hiring illegal aliens, and in doing so lowering American wages by about $220 Billion dollars a year.   As President Donald, are you prepared to hand down stiff penalties (into the millions of dollars) and have mandatory prison sentences for companies and their upper management that hire illegal aliens.   A simple yes or no would suffice Mr. Trump, and am sure a man of your incredible intellect can quickly, truthfully and succinctly answer this simple yes or no question.  This is not "Dancing With The Stars", no flashy double talk, just a simple yes or no will suffice nicely.

Donald Trump..."I'm going to make deals, GREAT DEALS that are good for America."

Looking at the fact that Bill and Hillary Clinton have earned almost $200 million dollars since leaving the White House, knowing they are just not as smart as you (we all know you are VERY SMART) when it comes to business and finance, pardon me if I wonder just how much money you are thinking you can make if you successfully pull the wool over the eyes of the American electorate and become president.  Setting that musing on my part aside, can you share with us some of these deals you see making for America?   Don't trot out the whole fable about the Ford plant being built in Mexico, that one has kind of been beaten to death at this point in the race.   Humor us common folk with just one or two examples of these DEALS you keep talking about with all the wonderful folks in Iowa and New Hampshire...and yes, you folks down in South Carolina as well.   We don't want to shrink the Donald BIG TENT con by creating any hurt feelings.   FREE PIE FOR EVERYONE...CHERRY PIE!

Donald Trump..."We need victories, and spirit, America needs more spirit!

Talk to me here Donald!  What do you mean when you say we need more spirit?  Should we be singing hymns while slaving away at our jobs that don't pay a living wage (after taxes, $15 per hour is not even a living wage), maybe hold weekly PEP RALLIES around the water cooler?  Jumping jacks!  Is that what you mean...all of us can start off our shift with five minutes of calisthenics to get our juices flowing, get the proverbial endorphin's flowing so we can smile while we slave away building wealth for people like you so you can create more jobs that pay indentured servant wages to all of us in the great unwashed masses collectively known as the less fortunate' s.  

In the name of ratings the media (Fox, CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC, and even Univision) has contributed to your rise to the top of the heap, tossing you soft ball questions, allowing you to duck giving real answers with your trademark, "Excuse me, EXCUSE ME".   Did they teach you that at Wharton School of Business?  Yes we know, its a great school, and you have to be really smart (or have a really RICH DAD) to get in.  Problem is, if people bother to take a look behind the curtain, it turns out the wizard actually has no clothes, is pretending to be the all knowing Oz when in reality you are nothing more than a spoiled rotten, mean spirited bully attempting to perpetuate the greatest scam on the American public ever conceived, while in the process doing a wonderful job at destroying the Republican Party....I do thank you for that last little part though...a bit tired of stiff necked blow hard stuffed shirt bigots telling the rest of us how we should live our lives, trying to fool us into believing rich people should be coddled because they create jobs.

So Mr about some STRAIGHT TALK, how about some real answers and details on all these wonderful plans and deals you have in store for us.   My comment page is all yours, so please stop by and lets chat, have a real discussion.  The microphone so to speak is yours.

Just an FYI Mr. Trump

1.  If you want to attack me, call me stupid, might want to do it here as I am currently not doing Twitter, nor would I waste my energy following your Tweets.

2.  If you are going to hold your breath till your face turns blue and threaten to sue me, feel free, as even if you win, I have no money, your judgement would be an empty victory that a world class bully could add to his list of over stated accomplishments.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Just a mussing on this Tuesday Evening.....

So I am walking down the street and I see this sign in a window that says, "Find something you would die for and then live for it" I went out and bought a casket.

Blue Lives Matter

Was sitting in the bank waiting to see one of the bank officers this morning, so like I always do pulled up my CNN app to look at breaking news...another officer shot dead in the line of duty. Enough of this violence and disrespect of our men and women in blue.  You want to march around and shout that "Black Lives Matter", that is fine as well as being your right.  What none of us have the right to do is disrespect our men and women in blue who put their lives at risk each and every day in the name of "Public Safety".  To get respect, you need to give respect, and this sudden targeting of Police Officers has to end immediately.

Are there some bad apples in the law enforcement basket?  Absolutely...there are bad apples in every basket, including the basket that is the "Black Lives Matter" basket as can be witnessed by their poster child for the movement, "Michael Brown" who in many ways invited death into his life.  At every step along the way to the shooting of this teenager it was Michael Brown himself who failed to deescalate his own dance with death...some are upset about his death, hold him up as the poster child for the "Black Lives Matter" movement...seriously, get a better poster child for the movement, and stop escalating your disrespect of police officers.  They have a job to do, and as the old saying goes, "Don't throw the baby out with the bath water."  There may be a few bad apples in the ranks of our police officers, but most of them are upstanding citizens doing a hard job, and giving their all to keep us all safe.

Police have a tough job to do,  they do it day in and day out.  No one is asking anyone to like the police, but give them the respect they are due in a civilized society.   If you are stopped, even if you think you are being stopped wrongfully, "DO THE RIGHT THING".   If you are asked for your license and registration, hand it over with a smile on your face, answering questions with a "Yes Sir" and a "No Ma'am" instead of showing attitude and belligerence. Be smart, be polite, and even if you were stopped unfairly, at least you will walk, drive away alive.   Refusing to answer basic questions, getting all uppity and in the face of a police officer who has a very tough job to do under the best of circumstances is just plain STUPID.   Even if you think you are in the right, why would you suddenly start giving attitude to a man or woman who is carrying a night stick, a stun gun, mace, and a weapon that shoots live ammunition?  Really?  

So far 2015 has seen police shoot and kill about 400 Americans...of that number, half were white people, 25 percent were black people, 12 percent were of Latino descent, and the remaining percentage were human beings of unknown ethnic origin...hmmm, shouldn't it be "Lives Matter" since it seems that not just blacks are being shot by our "Officers in Blue"   Let's look at these statistics a bit closer though before we start taking to the streets in protest.  Of these almost 400 deaths at the hands of police officers, some 80 percent of those killed were carrying some kind of a deadly weapon at the time they were shot, and without a doubt, the police use of deadly force was justified without so much as an investigation being necessary.

That only leaves about 20 deaths nationwide that were/are questionable.  Of these deaths where the suspect who was shot and killed did not have a weapon, 2/3rds were either black or Hispanic.  So, all this civil unrest and protest in the black community involves a total (NATIONWIDE) of say 13 deaths that deserve closer scrutiny.    Of those 12 questionable shootings, in most cases the officer is cleared as was the case with Michael Brown being shot dead in Ferguson where the "Black Lives Matter" movement started.

The young man robbed a convenience store and when the store owner attempted to confront him, he assaulted the store owner.   Right then and there the young man had stepped outside the law, in assaulting the store owner had committed a felony act...but that was not to be the end of his own bad decisions that fateful day.   If you want America to believe and embrace the concept that "Black Lives Matter", then don't each of you individually and collectively have a responsibility to live your own lives in a way that says, "My Life Matters"?   Stealing cigars, assaulting a store owner, being disrespectful to an officer of the law is not living your life as if it matters.

Protesters marching down a street chanting "Pigs in a blanket, fry them like bacon!" is out of bounds, is in my opinion inciting a riot, escalating an already tense situation between Police and the Black Community, is not showing the rest of America that we should respect and embrace this supposedly new civil rights movement.   Lets be clear...all lives matter, and " Blue Lives Matter"...when the "Black Lives Matter" movement can embrace that simple societal truth, maybe their movement might actually go somewhere, when they can start affording our men and women in blue the SAME RESPECT that they are demanding for themselves, then and maybe then the two sides can find some common meeting ground on which to stand and effect positive change, but the senseless killing of our Police Officers needs to end.