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The biggest problem with "Presidential Elections"...everything is scripted, who has access to the people running for the office controlled (except in Iowa and New Hampshire) and scripted. Real access only granted to the rich, elite and power of our nation. That is not democracy that our forefathers envisioned over 200 years ago. Though the questions will not get answered (politicians are very adept at answering questions with answers full emptiness), going to pose a few here that I would like to receive straight forward answers to.
On Immigration
America has some of the most liberal immigration laws in the entire world. For those who follow the rules, there is always a warm welcome, and a helping hand up the ladder as they begin their quest of living the American Dream. Those who support illegal aliens want us to believe the costs of deporting illegal aliens is far too costly, choosing to ignore the facts...illegal aliens and their children cost America over $200 Billion dollars a year in assorted costs such as schooling, food stamps, and incarcerations, they depreciate American wages by over $200 Billion dollars a year, and starve America's economic engine by hundreds of billions a year through remittances sent back to their countries of origin. Despite those who would have us believe otherwise, history tells us we can deport 11 million illegal aliens...simply look back to the Presidency of Dwight D. Eisenhower and you will see America shut down the jobs magnet, orchestrated neighborhood and work place enforcement raids, and in 24 months deported over six million illegal aliens.
1. Do you understand the difference between legal and illegal immigration, and why is it that you keep trying to treat/present these two diverse groups as one and the same?
2. Illegal aliens and their supporters claim illegal aliens pay taxes, using the fact that they pay sales tax on items they purchase as proof. What percentage of those here illegally do not pay FEDERAL INCOME TAXES (underground economy), and shouldn't they have to pay all those back taxes with penalties and interest (as all law abiding citizens would have to do), as a part of making restitution for their breaking our laws in coming to and remaining in America Illegally? Almost every proposed law would waive penalties/interest on these unpaid taxes, and would only require a illegal alien to pay back three years worth of unpaid Federal Taxes to GET RIGHT WITH THE LAW...how do you justify such a "Tax Amnesty" for these people when an American citizen who failed to pay his Federal taxes for 10-20 years could face prison time.
3. Do you support E-Verify which is over 98 percent effective in telling employers (including families hiring household workers), and would you support it becoming the law of the land, making it mandatory for any one/any company employing people? Would you support under E-Verify stiff penalties (including jail time) for employers caught hiring illegal aliens?
4. Under a flawed interpretation of the 14th Amendment, over six million people born to illegal aliens have gained birthright citizenship. If you are elected president will you introduce legislation to end this flawed and costly program that gives instant citizenship to any one born in America?
5. With the global migration crisis (caused by the unrest in the Middle East) other countries such as Croatia and Hungary are successfully locking down their borders...yet politicians here in America would have us believe that the most powerful country in the world cannot build a wall and secure our southern border with Mexico. If elected president, what steps are you prepared to take on your first day in office to secure our Southern border and stem the flow of illegal immigration into America?
On Jobs and a Living Wage
There is a lot of push back on raising the minimum wage. Additionally, those who support raising the minimum wage seem to have a benchmark bottom wage base of $15 per hour. The average employee working a 40 hour work week at $15 per hour would have a gross yearly income of $31,200. However; gross pay is not take home pay...Social Security Taxes, Federal Taxes, Workers Comp, and State Taxes quickly see that gross pay scaled down to in hand dollars of $24,960. A quick look at the average monthly expenses (rent, utilities, car payment/insurance, phone/cable/internet) and you quickly total up fixed mandatory expenses of $22,800 per year, and that does not include food, or health insurance. You cannot purchase health insurance and feed yourself on that remaining $2,160 a year. Which means you have to start looking at what you can cut out of your budget, what you can survive without. A large contingent of those who are running for office would have us believe that America's wealthy and elite create jobs, while ignoring the other half of the equation which is the fact that all those hard working Americans who are working for slave wages are the ones creating that wealth through their efforts and hard labor.
1. Would you support raising the minimum wage to $25 per hour, which would provide the average American family with what amounts to a living wage.
2. Would you support limiting how much money is paid to executives and owners of companies big and small, so that fairness and equity is returned to they system, so that all workers share in the success of a business?
Equal Rights and Gay Marriage
Let us start with SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE. A marriage license is issued by an agency of the government, not by the church. A church blesses a couple's marriage vowels, while an agency of government issues a legal document that authorizes and recognizes the legal joining/binding of two lives into one union. Equal rights under the law...why have we even been having this argument. One person or groups religious beliefs should not dictate what rights will or will not be bestowed on others.
1. As a litmus test to hold political office, do you support "Equal Rights" for all citizens, and will you abide by the law of the land when it comes to granting gay couples the legal right to be married under the law with all the rights and responsibilities that come with that legalized union.
Pro-Choice verse Pro-Life
For the record, I support a woman's "freedom of choice"...even God grants us this "freedom of choice". My question...with all the far more important social and world issues on the agenda, why is this on the list of things to do any way? It was settled with Roe VS Wade, so can we move on to the far more pressing issues facing America and its working class? For those wondering, yes this is a bit of a Rhetorical Question...the fringe right wing of the Republican Party derives far to much pleasure from beating this dead horse every four years to rally their base...sad really.
There are a lot more questions that average Americans would like to ask, but sadly, there is not one of the current crop of candidates that will actually give us STRAIGHT answers to the questions posed in this article...that said, my comments page is open. Fiorina, Trump, Hillary, Jeb....any takers that are up to this task?
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