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I hit my Mom in head with a hammer! So What? |
Think at one point or another, we have all embellished a story, exaggerated an episode in our life for one reason or another. A little more detail here, enhancing this or that aspect of what once was a real life event that over years even decades takes on epic proportions as an antidote shared with friends, or perhaps inserted into a talk or speech to make a point. Most of the time these exaggerations cause no harm, rarely are we held accountable for stretching the truth to a point where it is scarcely recognizable from the original event(s) in our lives. However; when you run for political office, especially if you are wanting to become the next President of the United States, that all changes. We expect truth and honesty in our elected officials and anything they have ever said or written is going to be examined under a microscope.
Which brings us to odd duck "Republican Presidential Wannabe" brain surgeon Ben Carson who is all in a tither over the media's vetting process for the man who is now leading in the polls. They, in his words" are being to hard on him, are grilling him harder than any presidential candidate past or present has ever been grilled. He believes his story of his childhood temper should not be investigated, that he should simply be taken at his word. OK...let's take him at his word for a moment, assume that all his stories and fabrications are true upon their face.
1. You attacked your MOTHER...hit her in the head with a HAMMER.
2. You smashed a friend in the face, your hand clutching a padlock, leaving a three inch gash.
3. You apparently used bats and rocks as weapons against those who crossed you.
4. You STABBED SOMEONE...saying it was OK because the knife broke on the kid's belt buckle as if an intervention from God.
Ben Carson attributes these violent acts to a pathological temper. Is that pathological as in well out of the normal, extreme, even to the extent of mental illness? As a voter, am I wrong for wanting to A) know the facts and nothing but the facts, and B) have reporters on my behalf ask questions about these violent attacks, and his claim that his pathological temper was somehow exorcised from his being after praying for three hours? If the stories are fabricated, that makes Ben Carson a pathological liar. If as he claims, they are true, that raises some serious concerns that would make me question his mental stability in regards to holding the highest office in our land. Looking at pictures of his home, the shrine to himself that it is, complete with a picture of him with Jesus, find myself wondering if this gifted brain surgeon is perhaps more than a bit of a whack-a-doodle.
Add to this some of his views/beliefs, and one has to wonder how he is leading in the polls right now. When it comes to gays, he believes it is a choice, stating as proof the fact that a lot of men go into prison straight and come out being gay. On the subject of the Great Pyramids...not so great after all according to Ben Carson, but instead grain silos to keep God's chosen well fed. He believes that Congress's refusal to pass the Republican Agenda could see Obama declaring "Martial Law" thus seeing the 2016 Presidential Elections cancelled. He believes congress should be allowed to get rid of any judge who voted/votes for marriage equality...never mind that our constitution only gives congress the right to remove judges for impeachable acts such as treason. He believes Obama is deliberately holding down our American economy to keep people on welfare, has gone so far as to say Obama is the worst thing to happen since slavery.
Personally, am happy that our free press is properly VETTING Ben Carson and all the other candidates running for national office, and would suggest that Ben Carson stop his whining, and instead start coming clean with the American Voters, giving us straight forward, honest answers.
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