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Lets stop being politically correct, and lets see our national leaders from all countries and political parties stop playing politics. America, Britain, France, Russia, China, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Africa and every other country in the world...where are your parliaments, Congresses and leaders in putting forth a official DECLARATION OF WAR against Daesh? Why isn't every nation of the world committing troops and arms to a World War aimed at hunting down these vile demon spawn followers of a sick and twisted version of Allah like the dogs that they are? The Allah these monsters follow is a pig, a scum, dog excrement that should be killed. Moderate Muslims worship a different Allah, an Allah that would condemn the actions of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.
Where is a $100 Million dollar bounty on the head of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, where is the deck of 52 cards each picturing one of the key figures in this movement with the amount of bounty on their head prominently displayed? Why isn't there a coalition of nations willing to put boots on the ground in every nation where these terrorist cells are known to be? The occasional bombings and drone strikes are not enough to eradicate these twisted monsters from the earth. Why hasn't the United Nations called for an emergency meeting of the Security Counsel? Where is NATO.
The leader of Syria... he has to go as well. Don't try to convince us that our government, the Pentagon does not know the where about's of Assad...a drone strike, special forces, air strikes,what ever it takes to remove this man from office, and it is time for America, our allies and the United Nations to tell Putin to FALL IN LINE, or remove himself and his troops from the battlefield in Syria and let us do what we need to do.
Those who are known to have affiliated themselves with ISIS, or are known to have funneled money to this terrorist group...ROUND THEM UP, throw them in a detention center...THIS IS A TIME OF WAR.
The time has come...Let's take back our world from these demented followers of a perverted form of Islam, lets show them the wraith of God, and if the Muslims of the world are not with us in this battle, then they are against us. It is now an us verse them war, and like it or not,the supposed reasonable have to pick sides.
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