Crusty Hippy's Pages

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Here Is a Clue Cruz...If You Want Your Kids Left Out of Politics, STOP USING THEM AS PROPS IN YOUR ADVERTISEMENTS!

This is just too sad...Cruz is running around trying to raise EMERGENCY MONEY because one cartoonist used his kids in a cartoon.  Don't get me wrong, I feel that the children of politicians should be left out of politics UNTIL you yourself, like Cruz did, make your children a part of the process.  It was OK for him to place his children front and center in a You Tube political commercial, then wants to jump up and down like an irate gorilla when someone points out your hypocrisy by launching a similarly themed cartoon featuring Ted Cruz with his children!   Here is your clue Ted...if you want your children left out of the political circus that is the Presidential Campaign, then you need to leave them at home, and out of your commercials....otherwise, THEY ARE FAIR GAME.   

For those who missed Ted Cruz using his children as props, want to put the above cartoon in context, and understand why the cartoon is NOT OUT OF BOUNDS, here is the You Tube video commercial that stars Ted Cuz and his two daughters.

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