Crusty Hippy's Pages

Monday, December 7, 2015

News Pundits Are Wrong About Arming Ourselves

Just heard a pundit on CNN state that Americans arming themselves will not stop a terrorist...his reasoning was pretty simple, albeit wrong.   The basic premise he had was this...the second you pull your gun on a terrorist, you are going to be the first one to get shot.

1.  The terrorist has to see you pull out and aim your concealed firearm.
2.  The pundit is assuming that there is only one armed citizen in the room/location where the terrorist is taking pot  shots at UNARMED INNOCENT CITIZENS.  What happens if two, or five, or twenty citizens in different parts of the room/location are pulling out their concealed weapons and taking aim, then shooting at the terrorist.   Would guess at least one of them is going to drop said terrorist dead in his tracks.

Fact...if you and everyone else in the room/location are unarmed, you have NO CHANCE at stopping a shooter or terrorist bent on killing as many people as possible with a rapid fire long rifle capable of spewing out 30 or so shots in a matter of seconds.   If some of the people in the room or location have a loaded weapon on their body, there is a chance one of them can get off a shot that injures or even kills said shooter or terrorist.

Arming ourselves gives us (no pun intended) a shooting chance, to some degree levels the playing the field, and might just give a shooter/terrorist some pause before they implement their suicidal attack on innocent citizens here in America.

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