CNN, FOX, and the rest of the news networks are hand feeding us liberal doses of Donald Trump while duping us into believing that Iowa and New Hampshire are important cogs in the choosing of our next President of the United States. First, no disrespect to these two fine states, but what you think, who you choose in these two primaries is of NO IMPORTANCE to the rest of America, and it is time you stop pretending that your states are somehow SPECIAL (said in my best Church Lady voice). Secondly, and most is a rather sad commentary on our supposed American Democracy that we voters only have two choices. We can vote for a self important ego maniac Billionaire, or we can vote for an equally self important ego maniac owned by one or more Billionaires.
Can we say TERM LIMITS and CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM. Also for the record, contrary to our Supreme Court and Mitt Romney, corporations ARE NOT PEOPLE TOO.
Billionaires Controlling American Politics (From Brookings Institute)
Charles & David Koch
Michael Bloomberg
Tom Steyer
Sheldon Adelson

Rupert Murdoch
Bill and Melinda Gates
John and Laura Arnold
Penny Pritzker
Warren Buffett
Peter Thiel
Mark Zuckerberg
JEff and MacKenzie Bezos
Pierre and Pamela Omidyar
Paul Singer
Peter G. Peterson
Marc Andreessen
Donald Trump
Alice Walton
Note of Interest...Mr. Trump, current Republican Candidate for President of the United States, proves his boasts of buying politicians is true according to his inclusion on this list. Is that really the kind of man we want in the White House?
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