When it comes to politics my own views on most issues lean far left...except when it comes to issues like illegal aliens and their anchor babies. If Donald Trump is going to actually deport illegal aliens, sending them and their children back to their home countries then I am seriously going to have to give some serious thought to giving him my vote.
Stream of Conscious Thoughts.....

If you are working under the table (underground economy), and not paying your Federal Taxes, that is a serious crime called tax evasion. If you are paying Federal Taxes because you are using a fake ID and paying taxes under a stolen name and identification number, that IS A CRIME. If your average America citizens were to not pay his taxes and gets caught, there are serious fines, penalties, interest, and in some cases prison time. Let's hold these illegal aliens to the same standards.
2. Illegal Aliens and their supporters like to say that most Illegal Aliens come here for a better life, want to live the American Dream...problem is, they are living that dream by stealing it from an American Citizen. Don't trot out that old argument that they are doing the jobs Americans will not do. They have infiltrated the landscaping industry, the construction industry, the fast food industry, the hotel and restaurant industries to name a few, and in doing so yearly reduce the American Wage Base by over 200 Billion Dollars. Implement E-Verify, dry up the jobs magnet, and most illegal aliens when they cannot find work will SELF DEPORT, and American Wages will go up...in addition, the 137 Billion dollars sent to Mexico every year will STAY IN AMERICA, and in that sense Donald Trump is right when he says Mexico will PAY FOR THE WALL.
3. Anchor Babies...the 14th Amendment was not intended to be used to provide citizenship to the child of any one that wants to sneak across our border and pop out a baby. That said, lets reach a compromise. Lets deport ALL ILLEGAL ALIENS, and send their children home with them so the family unit is preserved. Then their children born in America reach the age of maturity (Eighteen), they can opt to come to America and enjoy their American citizenship. No amendment to the constitution necessary, problem solved. These Anchor Babies get to keep their American Citizenship, the family unit stays together, and we Americans get to step paying the way for some 10 Million children born to illegal aliens.
What our politicians and pundits need to realize about the Trump Phenomenon is very simple...he is speaking the message that lower and middle class Americans WANT TO HEAR...Merchandising, putting out a message, a political product that PEOPLE WANT...the "Power of the Schwartz" with Mel Gibson lifting the veil of truth...."Merchandising". Many Americans are tired of being rode rough shod, being forced into silence under the guise of "Political Correctness. They are not undocumented workers or citizens, they are ILLEGAL ALIENS, and their children like it or not are Anchor Babies that are costing American Tax Payers billions of dollars a year...medical costs, foot stamps, schooling. Send them home, and let their own countries (including Mexico) pay the tab for their own citizens, rather than foisting it off on America.
Curious Question....How big of a voting block would the Latino Voting Block be if we deported all illegal aliens and their anchor baby children?
Curious Question....How big of a voting block would the Latino Voting Block be if we deported all illegal aliens and their anchor baby children?
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