Crusty Hippy's Pages

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Jorge Ramos Opens Mouth and ASSHOLE APPEARS

Jorge Ramos, a newscaster for second even third tier network  Univision tried to play the part of social activist at a Trump Rally, and came out of it all looking like a total asshole.  A few suggestions for this misguided and poorly informed reporter.

1.  We can and should build a wall on our Southern Border with Mexico.  

Curious Ramos, can you explain this?
Mexico, which often criticizes the American government for putting up barriers which restrict the flow of illegal immigrants across the U.S. - Mexico border is building a fence of its own along its southern border with Guatemala.
2.  57 percent of ILLEGAL ALIENS unlawfully residing in America are from Mexico.   Another 24 percent of ILLEGAL ALIENS unlawfully residing in America are from other Latin American Countries.  We do not need, nor is it good for America to let these criminal law breakers remain here in the United States, and it is time that we ENFORCE OUR LAWS,  send those here illegally back to their country of origin....the fact that most of them happen to be of Latin heritage has nothing to do with the is a LAW AND ORDER ISSUE.   Also, it would be inhumane to leave your unattended children here in America with no, they should go back home with their parents to their country of origin, and can come back to America as citizens when they are adults.

3.  On Anchor was not the intent of the 14th Amendment to have people dropping babies on America's borders so that we the American Taxpayers have to pick up the tab, was not the intent of the 14th Amendment to see Mexico and other Latin American countries using America as their welfare needs to end, and it might end in a successful court battle, it might end with a vote in Congress, or it might take an amendment to our Constitution, but it is time to put an end to America being the "Third World's" welfare system, and yes I include Mexico in that list of "Third World" countries.

4.  You stated tonight you are an question to you, are you a LEGAL IMMIGRANT, or did you violate our laws and come here ILLEGALLY.  Learn the difference between welcome and legal immigration, and ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION.

Lastly...LEARN SOME MANNERS and STOP BEING A BUFFOON!   You were not called on, and that was pointed out to you.   Sadly, you were intent on CAUSING A SCENE and in doing so you looked like an asshole.  Donald Trump showed he was the bigger and better man by allowing you back into the News Conference, by actually calling on you. yourself a favor....The Ford Factory story is getting VERY OLD...stop beating a dead horse and find a new example.

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