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End Slave Wages In America |
Republicans, the "Uber Rich and Donald Trump would have us believe that it is the well healed class (rich) who create jobs in America. As Paul Harvey was fond of saying, "and now for the rest of the story". Yes, the rich and elite of the world do create jobs, but it is the worker who toils away each and every day for slave wages that creates their wealth, yet the rich do not in any fair way share that wealth being created by these workers. That reality needs to change, and will only change if American workers stage a second Revolution here in the United States.
Factor in inflation, and wages in America have remained flat and/or shrunk since the 70's while the rich have increased their overall percentage of America's wealth and treasure they control. Our government at every level no longer represents the people, but instead are soldiers of these rich and elite who keep the average lower and middle class workers existing in what can only be considered modern day slavery. At what point is enough enough, and at what point does the oppressed minority realize that demanding change is not working, that more drastic steps are necessary to effect changes that see a fair system of wealth distribution and profit sharing occurring in America? When does the time come when average Main Street Americans take whatever actions are necessary to receive a living wage, rather than surviving on subsistence wages?
The Beatles lyrics ponder...
You say you want a revolution
Well, you know We all want to change the world
You tell me that it's evolution
Well, you know We all want to change the world
But when you talk about destruction
Don't you know that you can count me out...
Well, you know We all want to change the world
You tell me that it's evolution
Well, you know We all want to change the world
But when you talk about destruction
Don't you know that you can count me out...
No one likes revolution, and it could be argued that no one wins in a revolution...at least not in the short haul. But what if a battle that needs to be fought now would benefit our children and their children down the line? Does it then become imperative upon us to fight the good fight for those future generations that come behind us? The concept of paying it forward employed in creating an America that actually has equality at its core rather than claiming its existence while most of the nation's citizens are barely getting by?
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi brought about revolution and with it change without ever taking up arms against his oppressors. It is believed that "America's Main Street Citizens" can have revolution, can effect serious changes through peaceful revolution, and the time for that revolution is now.
Peaceful protests as millions of Middle and Lower class Americans take to the street demanding parity and fairness in distributing America's corporate wealth and treasure. Nationwide "Blue Flu Days" where every working American simply does not show up for work...a complete lock down of America's businesses as workers take the day off to send a message that slave wages are no longer going to be acceptable. The rich cannot fire everyone, and there is power in numbers. Closing down every school, bank, and business in America for a day would show Wall Street that we mean business, that we are no longer going to let them build their wealth off our sweat without some of that wealth coming our way.
Have roving boycotts of those companies (Walmart, McDonald's) that have the worst wage and benefits schedules. Imagine every American boycotting every Walmart in America on "Black Friday"! That would get their attention, make them seriously reconsider their wage base that has employees living their lives as indentured servants of the wealthy class.
2016 is a Presidential Election Year, and every Congressman/woman is up for re-election. Lets clean house! Main Street Americans should put up a common every day (not rich) American on the ballot in every Congressional District, and then VOTE FOR THEM. Imagine a new Congress where every person taking the oath of office was a FRESH FACE! Imagine a new Congress where every member was a working class stiff who came from the world where people live and raise a family on $8-$15 dollars an hour (before taxes).
Let's have another Revolution in America, one fought along class lines, a Revolution aimed at ending "Modern Day Slavery".